November 2017
Best of the Bunch: How a Bespoke CRM Can Attract Great Millennial Talent
Millennials are now officially the largest generation within the workforce today – and that means that employers need to take notice of the talent available. Attracting that talent can seem like an uphill struggle at times, especially as some employers have turned to flashy office spaces and lucrative remuneration packages in a bid to court the younger generation.
Despite the “attractive” prospect of a ball pit in the office, or how great having your birthday off might be, we’d argue that there are much simpler ways of attracting Millennial talent – and you may already be onto a few of them.
Remote Working Opportunities
It only takes one quick search for ‘remote working’ on Google to be bombarded with articles testifying at the greatness of allowing employees to work from anywhere in the world. It’s no surprise, then, that remote working (or at the very least, flexible working) has found its way to the top of almost every Millennial’s career wish list. But aside from downsizing the office, there are a lot of practical issues which first need to be overcome.
These limitations can include team communication, access to files, and even limitations on off-the-shelf software accounts. If you’re using a bespoke CRM, however, these restrictions are quickly lifted – employees can communicate with one another, share information, and access the system from anywhere with WiFi. Instantly, your business has an advantage over competitors by being able to legitimately offer remote working without over-stretching the company to accommodate it.
Talking Their Language
As the last generation to experience a tech-lite childhood, but the first to embrace the internet, Millennials have grown accustomed to technology embedding itself in their lives. As a result, employers need to show either that they use modern technology, or that they’re open to embracing it.
In the case of the bespoke CRM, not only is technology playing an important role at every level of the business, it’s also malleable enough to grow alongside the business well into the future. This means that Millennials employees can be attracted by the technology, but stay for its propensity for growth – and can remain on the cutting edge.
Aside from loving technology and flexible working environments, Millennials are often touted as a caring generation who wish to make a change on the world. As such, they look for jobs within companies who are forward-thinking and wish to break the mould.
Working with a bespoke CRM tool? Then you’re already on the right path, and can demonstrate a forward-thinking philosophy within your organisation. After all, bespoke solution can progressively evolve and push boundaries, unlike off-the-shelf software, which eventually becomes obsolete.
Tapping into Talent
Regardless of how you feel about Millennials, they’re a huge source of talent – and it’s best not to ignore them when trying to take your business forward. That’s why it’s so important to keep in touch with how your business is performing in these three areas. If you’re struggling to secure a new employee from within the age group, consider whether there’s room to change any of the above.
If you’re looking for the resource to help you achieve your goal of a Millennial workplace, then try starting with a free Lunar CRM demo, and see how our bespoke solution can revolutionise your recruitment process. To arrange your demo, simply get in touch!