March 2020
Light in the Dark: Keeping Up Team Morale in Troubling Times

All of us, and all business are currently going through some difficult times. Many businesses have had to invest in remote working, as a means of reducing the risk of spreading coronavirus. While some of us are lucky to still be able to operate and work through these conditions, that doesn’t mean the impact hasn’t been felt.
Now, more than ever, it’s important to look after your team and their mental health as well as their safety. While every business is different, there are some simple ways to show your team that you care, and that you’re there for them.
Check-in Daily
Daily stand up meetings in the morning (nothing too early, the least everyone deserves right now is a bit of a lie in) aren’t just for discussing work anymore. With so many people living alone, social distancing means full isolation, and that could be people in your team. So, ensure you have a virtual morning meeting, encourage (but don’t enforce) video calls. Seeing everyone else’s face and hearing their voice every day could make all the difference to anyone on your team that’s feeling isolated.
Be Open
It’s always good to encourage your team to be open and honest about their struggles, and anything that might be preventing them from working to the best of their ability. While, ordinarily, most businesses will operate on a policy of “leave your personal problems at home”, right now home and the office are the same thing. These are difficult and unprecedented times, so remind your team you are there for them, and to be there for each other. Encourage honest communication about mental health during this time and be understanding of people’s struggles. Getting through this means working together and helping each other.
Set Schedules
When working remotely, work and personal time can bleed in to each other. The last thing you want now is a team burning out due to overworking, or not separating professional and personal lives. Encourage your team to stick to their working hours, set a schedule each day, so that no one is unclear on when they can put down their work and relax.
It may also be worth reminding your team that they are safe to go for a walk as a means to switch off. As long as they observe social distancing and remain a few meters away from other people. In the UK your team is allowed to go for one walk per day. This could be the perfect means to unwind and try to switch off from the current state of the world.
Things Will Improve
Above all else, you and your team must remember that this will eventually come to pass. Look out for each other and keep up communication.
From the Lunar Team, know that we will eventually come out of the other side of this, and look back on it as just a bad memory. We sincerely wish you all the best and we hope you stay safe.
Find out more on our website or get in touch to arrange a free demo.