January 2020
New Year, Better Business: Lunar’s New Year’s Resolutions for Better Business in 2020

We’re almost two weeks in to a new decade, so how are the Roaring Twenties shaping up for your business?
It’s a new year so take the opportunity to make a new start on achieving success for your business. The Lunar Team have a few ideas for new business resolutions you could stick to this year, to ensure you make the most of this decade…
Set Your Goals
Not many people will tell you that January is their favourite month. After an indulgent Christmas and New Year’s break, it can be difficult to start waking up early and getting down to work again.
So, it’s time to start planning for the new year and focussing on that plan – give your team a goal to work towards. Take a look at what you achieved last year and use that data to set realistic goals for this year. From there, break that down in to monthly targets so your team can focus on the productivity and work towards delivering results. Help your team (and yourself) hit the ground running from the start of 2020 with a solid plan.
Keep with The Times
It’s time to move forward with your business, and that means modernising your workplace. That doesn’t just mean adding a touch of colour to the office, or offering your employees beanbags and sofas to work from. It means offering more flexibility and progression – if you’re looking for new talent in the new year, it’s important to consider what people are looking for. Remote working is still rising in popularity and will see you able to tap in to talent you didn’t know you had access too. Additionally, allowing flexible working will enable your team to produce the best results at a time that suits both of you.
Listen, Learn, Grow
Make 2020 the year of communication for your business. Take the time to make customers happy by engaging with them and listening to what they want from your business – use the data in your sales pipeline to find out what’s missing in your lead journey.
Be sure to listen to your team too. In order to deliver their best, your team needs to be as happy with your business as your customers are. So be sure to discuss that aforementioned flexibility with your team, so everyone is happy in delivering their best.
Evolve and Survive
Technology is constantly evolving, as we’ve seen in 2019. The new decade will be no different, with new technologies impacting the way we reach our audiences. So be sure to keep up to date on these new developments – from Cloud workspaces to social media algorithms, it’s important for you and your team to keep researching and learning about new technologies to stay relevant in the new decade.
The Tools to Succeed in 2020
The most important part with any big change up and resolution to improve is providing yourself with the tools to succeed. So make sure your business has the right tools to succeed in the new year. Treat yourself to a bespoke CRM solution to help to simplify workflows, create clear goals, foster better communication and track everything with detailed built-in reporting. Remember that last resolution – evolve and survive, you can do that by embracing new technology that will help you get the most out of your business in 2020. So consider a bespoke CRM solution to help with your business resolutions.
The Lunar Team wishes you nothing but the best for the New Year and the new decade! If you’re interested in embracing a new CRM tool this year, explore our website to learn more or contact us to arrange a free demo so you can evolve your business in 2020.