October 2015
One Giant Leap for Working Together: Lunar’s Stellar Approach to Clients

A big worry that many businesses have when investing in a CRM solution is that the company they’re dealing with will simply switch the system on and leave them to it. Whereas this is probably a great learning curb, it’s more than a little bit annoying/terrifying when it comes to figuring everything out for yourself. The Lunar team, however, like to think a bit differently – we take our client approach seriously (and in the friendliest way possible).
Consultation, Consultation, Consultation
Our mothers always taught us that ‘if you don’t ask, you’ll never know’. With ma’s advice in mind, we approach all of our client relationships with the goal of getting to know you in mind; the only way we’ll be able to give you the best possible service is if we find out more about you, your business, your goals and your needs. This period of consultation means that the Lunar team can address all of your requirements ahead of getting stuck into your new CRM system, preventing surprises further down the line and keeping your vision at the top of our priorities at all times.
Helping the Workflow to Flow Properly
Team Lunar are a curious bunch, and we’re constantly on the look-out for ways to streamline workflow processes for our clients. Getting feedback from clients and conducting intensive research means that we can constantly provide your business with a tried and tested solution that can automate processes and improve task management ten-fold. For you, that means extra value in your CRM, and for us, it means we can sleep at night knowing we’ve solved a workflow issue!
Sometimes You Just Need a Human
Self-service checkouts are an amazing example of automation: customers pay and leave the store much faster, speeding up the process immensely. But what if a customer needs to ask a question with their purchase? Well, then they go to a normal till. The concept is identical to our approach – although clients have access to fantastic automated reports, sometimes they simply need the human touch instead. Our extensive customer support programme means that we’re on hand whenever our clients need help in getting that all important MI report – because we care about your success!
Add to the above approach a huge dollop of professional knowledge and experience, as well as the friendliest team this side of the moon, and it becomes clear why our clients love Lunar’s approach so much!
Let’s work together to get your processes streamlined and your customer relations top notch! Get in touch with the Lunar team today for your free demo.