April 2020
Stress Buster: 5 Ways Your Bespoke CRM Can Reduce Stress

There’s nothing like a long weekend to step up your relaxation. However, the problem arises when it comes to the following four-day week – trying to fit in all of your work for the week in to one less day can cause a lot of extra stress for you and your team. Especially when you’re already adjusting to recent work-from-home measures.
The world is already an anxious enough place right now, so luckily our bespoke CRM is here to help. Here are 5 ways Lunar CRM can help bust your team’s stress levels…
1. Better Connectivity
A situation which makes many people’s stomachs turn is when something urgent is required…and the person they need the most is away on business. This stressor shows itself in the way a team communicates with one another, with better connectivity leading to less stress. With a bespoke CRM sitting at the heart of your team’s communications, they can ensure that there’s nothing to worry about in those times of desperation, and they never feel out of the loop.
2. Constant Accessibility
No doubt that at least one member of your team wanted to keep up to date with what’s going on over the Easter weekend – or maybe it was you, checking in on the business’ progress? Thankfully, we no longer live in an age when businesses totally grind to a halt over four day weekends, with users able to remotely access their bespoke CRM at any time of day or night. Finally, no more stress when it comes to catching up with work on a bank holiday!
3. Automated Systems
Of course, the ‘always-on’ culture in itself can be stress-inducing for employees, and the bank holiday is a well-deserved time to relax. Taking that into account, a bespoke system allows for tasks to be automated, keeping the business running over the break. The result? Less catching up to do on a Tuesday, no worrying about small tasks during bank holiday festivities, and a whole lot less stress for your team.
4. Easier Workflows
Nobody wants to come into the office with a to do list longer than their holiday, with a complicated workflow process sitting between them and the closer-than-normal weekend. In fact, complex processes are a stressor which continues to haunt employees even in normal weeks, leading to higher stress levels and ingrained frustrations within the business. Simplifying workflows with a bespoke CRM can easily cut out the anxiety and swap it for productivity, bank holiday or not.
5. Nothing to Worry About
In Lunar’s case, our bespoke CRM solutions are hosted on our own, secure and always-running servers. The result is that the updates and maintenance for every client CRM can be handled by us, relieving a great deal of stress.
Hopefully, that’s provided some calm relief. If not, why don’t you get in touch for a free demo to find out how a bespoke Lunar CRM can reduce your team’s stress? And now it’s back to work!