June 2016
Tick Tock: 6 Signs it’s Time to Invest in a Bespoke CRM

Bringing any new software into the business can be a daunting prospect – and when you’ve considered the cost, time and effort involved, it becomes an even trickier decision. That’s why getting your timing absolutely spot on is the best thing you can do. If any (or all) of the following signs sound familiar to you, then it’s more than likely you’re in need of a bespoke CRM to pick up the slack – read on and judge for yourself!
1. You Need More Uptime
An inherent problem with many older CRM systems is the occurrence of ‘downtime’ whenever an office server crashes, breaks, or is affected by any other issues. Of course, when this happens (as some of you will know) it causes a huge delay in getting work done – which may be fun for employees looking for a breather, but can rack up quite an expense for the business in unfinished work. When the downtime is starting to get too much, why not try a bespoke CRM solution based on the Cloud? With 99% uptime, your team’s workflow should never be affected by a crashed server ever again.
2. Your Team is Frustrated…
Employee frustration can come about as a result of a number of issues, not least because the clunky and inefficient off-the-shelf solution they’re using is driving them up the wall. A tool which takes too long to understand, is prone to crashing, and which has built in flaws is bound to rile up even the most patient of your team. If they’re not getting on with the solution you’ve implemented, then you owe it to them to try something different and better suited to their needs.
3. …And Your Customers Are Frustrated Too
When customers have to phone up and speak to multiple people who don’t know anything about their previous record with the business, it can lead to more than a few heated words and lost repeat business. Additionally, no one likes a slow service or to feel not taken care of. Implementing a bespoke CRM provides your organisation with the capabilities to keep everybody in the loop, streamline communication processes, and to generally tidy up your customer service offering.
4. You’re Looking to Introduce Better Remote Working
As we’ve mentioned before, remote working has become very popular in recent years and your organisation’s people are probably more than a little bit keen to give it a try for themselves. Even if you already practice remote working, there’s still room for improvement: with a bespoke CRM, Cloud capabilities allow for your team to remain in the loop with what’s happening back at HQ and to share data, all the while offering easier communication with the rest of the team.
5. You Need More from Your Data
If you’re currently using an off-the-shelf solution and your key stakeholders are still asking for more information, then it’s high time you gave them that bit extra. A bespoke CRM, such as Lunar’s, is constantly primed to create an in-depth report and keeps data safe and organised for real-time feedback – perfect for strategic decisions and evaluations. Give those key stakeholders all the value they need by making the most of such features.
6. Time is Being Wasted
Finally – and this is a biggy – if you feel that time is being wasted (whether it’s on pulling out lengthy reports, updating teams on customers, or just too many hours spent trying to grasp basic functions of an off-the-shelf solution), then it’s time to start looking elsewhere. Pull reports instantly, share information seamlessly, and give your teams a CRM built to how they work. Think of what you could achieve with all those spare hours!
Is it time to move on to a more bespoke solution? Get in touch to arrange your free demo of Lunar’s bespoke CRM solution, and let’s shake things up!