Going Bespoke

April 2024

Going Bespoke: How to Identify if Your Business Needs a Custom CRM Solution

Choosing the right Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is a crucial decision for any business. While off-the-shelf CRM solutions offer a wide range of features and functionalities, they may not always address the unique needs and requirements of your business. In such cases, opting for a custom CRM solution can be a game-changer. But how do you determine if your business truly needs a bespoke CRM? Here are some key indicators to consider:


1. Unique Business Processes and Workflows

Every business operates differently, with its own set of processes, workflows, and procedures. If your business has highly specialized workflows or industry-specific requirements that cannot be adequately addressed by generic CRM systems, it might be time to consider a custom solution.

A bespoke CRM can be tailored to match your exact business processes, ensuring seamless integration and optimization of your workflow.


2. Complex Data Management Needs

Off-the-shelf CRM solutions often come with predefined data structures and limitations on customization. If your business deals with complex data management needs, such as extensive customer data, diverse product lines, or intricate sales pipelines, a custom CRM solution can offer the flexibility and scalability required to handle such complexities.

With a bespoke CRM, you can design custom data fields, relationships, and reporting structures to suit your specific requirements.


3. Integration Requirements

Many businesses rely on a variety of software applications and tools to manage different aspects of their operations, such as accounting software, marketing automation platforms, or inventory management systems.

If your business requires integration between your CRM and other systems, a custom CRM solution can provide third-party integration capabilities needed to streamline processes and improve data consistency across your organization.

For further insights, check out top CRM features for small businesses.


4. Unique Reporting and Analytics Needs

Effective decision-making relies on accurate and insightful data analysis. If your business has unique reporting and analytics requirements that cannot be met by standard CRM reporting features, a custom CRM solution can empower you with the tools needed to generate custom reports, dashboards, and analytics tailored to your specific KPIs and objectives.

Whether you need to track niche metrics, visualize data in a specific format, or automate complex analysis workflows, a bespoke CRM can provide the flexibility and customization needed to derive actionable insights from your data.

Learn more about addressing industry-specific needs in CRM solutions.


5. Growth and Scalability

As your business grows and evolves, so do your CRM needs. Off-the-shelf CRM solutions may struggle to accommodate the changing requirements of a growing business, leading to scalability issues and limitations. If your business is experiencing rapid growth or expansion into new markets, a custom CRM solution can adapt and scale alongside your business, ensuring that you have the tools and capabilities needed to support your evolving needs and objectives.

Take a look at our blog for guidance on successfully launching CRM projects.

Conclusion: Empowering Your Business with Tailored CRM Solutions

Investing in a custom CRM solution is a strategic decision that can provide your business with a competitive edge by addressing your unique requirements and enabling greater efficiency, flexibility, and scalability. By assessing your business processes, data management needs, integration requirements, reporting and analytics needs, and growth trajectory, you can determine whether a bespoke CRM solution is the right choice for your business.

Ready to unlock the full potential of your business with Lunar CRM? Take the first step towards  a tailored CRM solution by contacting us today!