July 2019
Communicating Effectively: 6 Ways Your Bespoke CRM Solution Improves Calls and Communication with Customers

Social media’s popularity continues to rise as the go to method for customers to contact your business, however for a more direct approach the phone remains the most populaCommunicating Effectively: 6 Ways Your Bespoke CRM Solution Improves Calls and Communication with Customers Social media’s popularity continues to rise as the go to method for customers to contact your business, however for a more direct approach the phone remains the most popular contact option. And you definitely want to give your customers options when it comes to getting in touch with you to keep that customer satisfaction up. However, as your business grows it can become a bit of a hassle to keep on top of customer call data. You want to keep accurate records of calls, numbers as well as actually being able to answer and make calls with ease. Managing all of that with an external, clunky dialling platform can result in wasted time for both your business and your customers.
So what if we told you that a bespoke CRM solution could actually manage all of this from one place? Rather than using external dialler platforms to contact your customers and then migrating data from one place to the other, you could do it all in one simple package!
To help you understand how dialler integration with your bespoke CRM could help your business communicate more effectively with customers, we’ve gathered these insights from our customers. Here are 6 ways your bespoke CRM solution can help with calls…
Integrate what you know…
We’ve talked a lot about how your bespoke CRM solution benefits from third-party integration. We’re about to do it again! Rather than your team having to give up tools they’re accustomed to, your bespoke CRM can integrate your teams’ beloved dialler platform. That way if your platform is already working, you can simply access it more easily as part of your CRM.
We’ve got the Solution…
If you don’t already have a dialler platform, there’s no better time to find one. With our bespoke CRM solution, you’ll benefit from Cloudcall, a Cloud based dialling solution that will allow you and your customers to communicate directly through your CRM. Because this is all included in your bespoke CRM solution, you’ll save money by not having to shop around for a dialler platform.
Keep a Record
Keeping a record of business calls is quite standard practice – it protects you, your employees, your customers and it can be used to provide training at a later date. Without the right tools, call recording can be a hassle. That’s why with Lunar CRM we’ve made call recording easy, so you can always listen back if you need to.
Put the Phone Down
It’s 2019! We’re beyond picking up a handset and manually typing in a number. With Lunar CRM dialler integration, simply find a customers’ details in your database and you can just click their number to initiate a call. If you’ve got the data, there’s no need for manual input. It’s a little time saver, and they say every little helps. Your team will definitely think so.
Make a Saving
By having dialler integration with Cloudcall already included in your bespoke CRM package, we’re already saving you the money on an external dialler platform. However, you’ll also see other money saving benefits to an integrated dialler platform – with the increase in productivity experienced by your team, with no worries about misdialled numbers and an easily searchable database, you’ll see your business moving faster than before. And a faster business, is a growing business.
Know your History
Your bespoke CRM solution holds on to all the data that you need for your business records – call data is no different. From call length to the call outcome, your team will be able to access a full history of customer calls to ensure they keep on top of customer relationships and, more importantly, keep them positive. Not only that, but it means your team can work collaboratively to work towards resolutions with your customers – no re-treading through previously discussed issues, just moving forwards to positive outcomes.
With these features at your fingertips, you could improve communications with your customers drastically. So why not make your next call to Lunar CRM? Just get in touch and we’d be happy to give you a free demo!